This month I have added some new stuff and made several changes to how information is displayed in the database.
Inspired Pin Database - this second database features pins inspired by fandoms. The pin submission form for this database includes two new pieces of information: the fandom the pin is from or fandoms if the pin combines multiple fandoms, and the names of the characters featured in the pin.
Artist Name Banner - A banner with the artist name is now visible on pin images in the all pins section of each database.
Concept Art - There is now a place in the submission form where you can add concept art. If you would like to add concept art to a previously submitted pin please contact me by direct message on instagram with the image and link to the pin it should be added to.
Variant Titles - If you are adding a pin with variants, you can now add titles to identify each variant.
View Larger Variant Images - because the variant images are much smaller than the featured image, you can now click on the images to enlarge it.
Location of Pin Submission Forms - you can now reach the pin submission forms from the navigation bar. The original pin submission form is a drop down option under the Original Pin Database. The inspired pin submission form is a drop down option under the Inspired Pin Database. You must be logged in to use the submission forms.
Mobile Optimization - Most of the pages are now optimized for mobile.
Layout of Pin Information - The layout of the individual pin pages has been drastically reorganized. I hope you like the new layout.
Artist Link - Instead of the large purple button that links to the artist's social media or website, you can click on their name to visit their social media or website.